Type approval certification inspection as the final stage of the purchase process of 63 CNG refuse collector trucks in Budapest

Bus filling station in Kaposvár

Emissions comparison of CNG and diesel powered buses using a PEMS instrument

CNG powered Iveco test bus in Budapest at a conference organised by LNG-Tech

Service launch of the filling station serving the 75 CNG powered buses of Miskolc (MVK)

Service launch of the temporary filling station serving the 37 newly acquired CNG powered buses of the Budapest Transport Company

The plan of an LNG filling station before the start of construction

Manufacturing process of a double-wall LNG container. Phase shown: insertion of the inner container

Mr. Henrik Domanovszky, Mr. Ferenc Major and Mr. Dániel Láng attending a manufacturer’s quality control process

Integrable LNG containers waiting for delivery at the manufacturer’s site

Easily mobilised, self-served CNG dispensing unit

Emissions comparison by Cert. Eng. Henrik Domanovszky

Developing LNG powered buses